Illusions of Grandeur - the Zakuro Fanlisting

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Welcome to the TAFL-approved fanlisting for one of the most ridiculous youkai villains in the world of Saiyuki, Zakuro. Note: If you are stuck in frames for one reason or another, click here to escape them.

Script used: Enthusiast
Last updated: 12 January 2025
Member count: 27 (from 11 countries)
Newest members: Toxic

This site was built using a combination of Fireworks MX, Notepad, and IE/Firefox. However, this website is optimized for best viewing (and can properly function) in Firefox 1.0+. JavaScript, div layers, and CSS support are required to view this site.

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Most Recent Updates //member and other updates

Looking for detailed updates? Go here.

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Although I am not very picky on the affiliates I have, Saiyuki-related ones are preferred. If you'd like to be an affiliate, please drop me a message through the contact form on my site journal or  me. =)

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Zakuro, Saiyuki RELOAD, Saiyuki RELOAD GUNLOCK are © Studio Pierrot, Minekura Kazuya, and others. All rights reserved. Layout by Eku53ru.