Codes & Buttons

Here are the buttons/codes you can use to link back to this fanlisting. I cannot stress enough that these codes must be uploaded to your own site. If you do not have one, there are places where you can do this for free; PhotoBucket, ImageShack, and TinyPic are just a few of the examples.

Don't forget to link back to Below are some examples of codes you can use to link back via text or with images--feel free to use these as guides.

If you would like to contribute some, please send me an email!

For Text Links
<a href="" target="_blank">Rave Fanlisting</a>
For Button Links
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="LOCATION OF IMAGE HERE" title="Rave Fanlisting" /></a>

Total Codes: 37

Belnika Belnika Bony Elie Elie Griffon Haru & Lucia Haru Jegan Jero Julia Julia Julius Let Let Musica Plue Plue Reina Reina Ruby Seria Shuda Sieg Hart Uta

Elie Julia & Let Julius Lucia Ruby

Haru Reina

Haru & Lucia

Let Logo Musica

Elie & Haru