Welcome to...

...Serenity in Solitude, my fanlisting collective. Navigation should be right above you, so just click on the links to go where you want to go. =)

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Site Requirements

Nothing much, really; in the way of browsers, this layout should work in Internet Explorer (5.5+), Firefox (1.5+), or Opera (8.0+). A good resolution to view this site with is 800x600 or higher, with 16-bit color or above. CSS 2.0 and JavaScript are an absolute must.

Collective Statistics

Joined: 25 (0 pending)
Owned: 11 current, 0 pending, and 1 upcoming
Fans: 1428 (0 pending)
Online Since: 25 April, 2006


06 February 2013 ~ Happy 2013~ XD One new fanlisting has been added to the network--give a warm welcome to beautiful words, the Rie fu fanlisting! X) Also, since it was outdated, I have pruned my wishlist again.

The Legal Stuff

Sai and Hikaru no Go are ©Obata Takeshi and Hotta Yumi. All rights reserved. Layout made by Eku53ru.