The Rules

  1. You must be a fan of the game Animal Crossing.
  2. As per rules listed by TFL, only your name, country of residence, and email address are required. Everything else is optional, so if you don't have a website, I'm not going to reject you.
  3. I'm pretty lenient with names, but if I can't type your name with my keyboard, I will edit it. Please provide alternatives in the comments if you are unsure.
  4. For your "Favorite Villager(s)", please do not put too many. Groups of animals are okay, and English names are preferred. If you use other languages, I'll try to add their English names in for you.
  5. If you do have a website, please link back to the fanlisting! Visit the codes & buttons page for more information.
  6. If your site has questionable or inappropriate content, I may not link to it.
  7. Keep your information up-to-date! I will not do this for you. You can either do so by contacting me with an email, or by using the updating form.

Agree with most/all of these rules? Head on over and join the fanlisting already!